My head may Swirl
And my vision dim
My arms may hang
Limply by my side
Yet will my heart sing
My soul Praise
and my Spirit lift
To the bosom of My Maker
For He is my light in darkness
My strength in times of weakness
A steadfast anchor
When storms rage

Times may be hard
and my cry seemingly unheard
Yet in my peril
At my wits end
There is a Hero
Whose name is I AM.

By Solomon W. Jagwe | © All Rights Reserved

Check out the video below with my Voice narration applied to a 3D character reciting “Though it Be” ~ Enjoy 🙂

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Fences all around
A captive in the middle
Shackled, tied and bound
Her life has become a riddle

Her sunken cheeks once supple and round
Scarred by years of biting a bridle
Limbs that hurt when they touch the ground
Speak of tales of one once busy but now is idle

A voice once happy and sound
Now raspy like a broken fiddle
Despair and anger surround
The outlet that once was her window

A fortress where hope could be found
Reverberates with Cries reaching a crescendo
Remove this terror and pain that has become a mound
So her song can resound, and never again to be called a widow

By Solomon W. Jagwe | © All Rights Reserved

SNARES UNSHACKLED | Tribute to Rwanda

I watched as a gray streaking hare
hopped and leaped into the air with a flair
only to land smack right in the middle of a snare
blinded by the intense glare of a blinding flare

was the hare in a scare that was rare?

wiggling this way and that way but going no where
it lay quiet and still with its belly laid bare

a hunter stopped to stare
at this forlorn creature so tight and gasping for air

bending down he cut the jaws that made a pair
freeing the hare from the steel grip of terror

I looked closely to see what kind of fella
would offer a hand as an umbrella
to a creature that by all accounts fair and square
should have ended up in the back of his trailer

Hutu or Tutsi? Rwandise, was the gentle counter
When I ventured to ask if it was an error
I am neither one nor the other

He pointed to his gray hair and then to the freed hare
My eyes quickly adjusted in a bid to compare
and In an instant, I saw the damage and the repair
and a tear rolled down as it washed away my despair

For there before me stood two echos with time to spare
reverberating with a message so simple and lacking in flair
the swift kicks of a free wheeling hare
and yet as timeless and winding as the white strands of hair
of a kind and loving hunter fella
that I met in the back of a rusty and dusty trailer

By Solomon W. Jagwe | © All Rights Reserved

Art Reflections

Art, to me, is such a joy. It enables me to express myself in ways I never could with mere speech. I am able to mount to heights un-inhabited by bounds and limitations. The poetry of color and sometimes the lack there of, feeds that river that provides the life of creativity. I would be a quibbler if I said art is but a small part of my world. So I will let the wings of my mind soar and float on the breeze of imagination.

Specializing in Art and Visual Technology | 3D Modeling, Character & Vehicle Animation, Oil & Acrylic Painting, Concept Art and Illustration