Galiwango Film Update | 3D Fur/Hair Study

Friends, here is an update From the Galiwango, Obulamu Bw’ekisodde Film Studio | An Animated mountain Gorilla Conservation Film, written in Luganda, Uganda’s most widely spoken local language | Production Diary update – Galiwango Fur/Hair render and 3D environment.

Hair Study with jungle atmosphere.


Here is an earlier animation render of a Galiwango Hair study created with Fur and Hair in 3DS Max

Book Trailer for God’s Perfect Size Book

This is a Book Trailer I shot and directed for my wife’s new book, “God’s Perfect Size, Gain Victory and Lose Food Addiction for Life, by Kim Jagwe. Script was written by Sandra Reynolds, Co-Written by Kim Jagwe ( Book Published by Tate Publishing. You can read more about the book at

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand Firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery”
Galations 5:1

Book Excerpt “He was our natural father, but he rarely touched us. I threw my arms wide open, waiting for his embrace. An eternity passed in those few seconds. The embrace never came. So I held my arms out once again, but this time I said, ‘Will you pick me up too?’” A smile slid across his face, and my heart soared. I took a step forward ready for my moment. I felt him move back. Had he lost his footing? I was about to try again, but he stopped me. He peered into my eyes and said, ‘I can’t pick you up. You’re too fat, just like your mother.’ In that instant, he confirmed all of my fears, and I knew he was right. I was too fat… too fat to like, too fat to love, too fat to matter.”

That was a crucial point of development in author Kim Jagwe’s life. As a young girl already wearing adult sizes, her fears and insecurities were confirmed and exposed by her own father.

Photos | Out of this World Moon Shot

OUT OF THIS WORLD | To Ze Moon and Beck!!

I took a break today from work and went to the moon and back in a Flash!! – ok, not literaly – but with my Canon EOS 7D, with a Tamron 18-270 lens attached, I looked up to stare at all the stars while swinging my camera looking for something to shoot in the dark, at Sean’s place, a family friend, and snapped away.

I played back the photo and was pleasantly surprised to find that the moon was very clear even at half size. Check out this photo from a collection I took.

Sean and I were like .DUUUUUUDEEEEEE!!!!!! (No Color correction done at all to the photo) – like I said, I went to the moon and back, now you believe me? | … Don’t Tell me the Sky is the limit when people have been to the Moon …… so it’s said ….


My Beloved Soot Clogged Flute | Poetry

I once was told to hoot
while standing on one foot

So I pulled out my old flute
and shook it in a frenzy
to clear it of all the soot

Hurry up before I shoot
barked the man in the green boots
waving a threatening finger
with a gun pointing to an open boot

I closed my eyes, to shut out all the light
with my hands gripping tight
and my whole body trembling with fright
I braced myself and blew with all my might

I heard a burst of laughter
as my heart raced faster
I raised my head like to a master
wondering at the loud pearls of cackles
like those coming from a jester

come on, lets leave this clown
smirked the leader with a frown
the dust rose up as it was blown
by the receding convoy
and I lowered my eyes to keep them down

I crawled to a nearby paddle
and peered into the deep
like one coming out of a dark hurdle

I burst out in laughter
Not too different from that of a jester
as I beheld my reflection

As black as a tar baby
with two brown eyes peeking through
what looked like slits of white milk

Oh my dear old flute
you with all your clogged soot
a song poured out of my mouth
as I danced joyfully on one foot

I pranced off into the sunset
in a cloud of black soot
ever so grateful as I blew my old flute
that when it mattered the most
it proved to be such a hoot

By Solomon W. Jagwe | © All Rights Reserved


I met love
it buoyed me up
High up in the heavens above
I shared the wind with Eagles
Played among the fluffy clouds
I felt as light as the sea Gulls
I witnessed white roses pop out of their buds

My blood bubbled with joy
the gentle caress of the breeze
inflamed my heart

Oh Love, My request I made
You could pump me up, if thou dost please
and you could cast me down
If that be thy wish,
But I pray, and this I earnestly do

That thou leave me not empty
After thy taunting visit
Oh Love, Kiss me not
and leave me thus hanging.

By Solomon W. Jagwe | © All Rights Reserved


You have made Me
With what instrument I do not Know
You have molded me
The miracle that is me,
Intricately designed with infinite love
A texture of care and tenderness
With a plan so subtle and yet
So appealing and awesome

What makes me go
I have sought to know
The Makers countenance
I have longed to behold
That chuckle of delight
At the finish of my design
I have desired to hear.
But desire as I might
Denied Me you have
Of the ability to see, touch, smell,
Hear, Hear?
Others say they have
Of thine voice beheld,
Baritone or Bass, I cannot say

Only One thing have you granted,
And this I know, Dearest Maker,
To be thine grandest delight
Simply and yet Bindingly
That I may believe in You
To acknowledge You as my Creator
And to trust You to repair
All my cracks
Whenever I Fail or Fall.

By Solomon W. Jagwe | © All Rights Reserved


Tempest tossed, I sail home
The tide I ride, filled with foam
Closer and closer to the shore
My sea beaten boat is drawn

Creaks sound loud, leaks looking wide
Gashes adorn the bow
Sails spluttered with streaks and tears
Left in the wake of unmerciful gales

Darkness engulfs, blanketing and unyielding
Peer as I might, nothingness is all I see
Groping for a foothold, sliding and tittering
Torn and shredded, my hands cannot hold

Pain, sharp jabs of shock!
My eyelids strive to keep out
Light gaining strength – warmth all around
Hope given wings – soaring and renewed

A lighthouse – graces my view
Eyes slowly opening and pain subsiding
Peace so becoming, fears assuaged
Hunger dispelled, courage restored!

Tempest tossed, my boat is no more
This tide I ride is filled with pride
Closer and closer to the lighthouse
My joy laden heart, finds Rest.

By Solomon W. Jagwe | © All Rights Reserved


Specializing in Art and Visual Technology | 3D Modeling, Character & Vehicle Animation, Oil & Acrylic Painting, Concept Art and Illustration