A 3D Animated Children’s TV Series, entitled “A Seed for Nkoza and Nankya” is an Education through Entertainment concept: Join Nkozessa Zange and Nankya on their Quest to go School and learn all they can about protecting their small village and the challenges of living in the shadow of the Big city which is expanding rapidly and threatening their culture and the well being of the wildlife living in the surrounding forest:
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/ASeedForNkozaAndNankyaTVSeries
Coming to WBS TV (http://www.facebook.com/WbsTvUganda ), Saturdays and Sundays.
The Children’s Animated TV series will be airing on WBS TV on Saturday Mornings between 9:45am and 9:55am, with a repeat on Sunday Mornings between 9:15am and 9:25am.
Counting Down to Promo
October 9th ~ Celebrating Uganda’s 51st Independence Day
Nankya writing in her Diary, counting down to the day her Big brother returns from the Big City with new tales ~ She loves mukene cooked in ground nut sauce.. Diary Entry Number 24 ~ a big thank you to all the New Friends and Fans.
Working hard to bring you the first Episode of Nkoza and Nankya. It has been a very interesting journey, one that hasn’t been without challenges, but all in all, I push forward. I truly appreciate all the kind words and support from friends and Fans. Thank you!!
Behind the Scenes Update: The Village where Nkoza and Nankya’s Grandfather lives.
Behind the Scenes Update: The evolution of Nkoza, this is close to the finished feel and look, I am animating him, with some room for tweaks.
Behind the Scenes Update: Working on a some background Music for the TV Series, some Village scenes will feature Kadongo Kamu tracks composed by Yours Truly 🙂
Music Grind Update: Kadongo Kamu Test
Behind the Scenes Update: The Animation Trenches, this is where the rubber meets the road, giving personality to Nankya and Nkoza, and bringing them to life.
Hardware Improvisation: I have had to pop out my Home Made, head mounted Camera Rig to capture some reference facial animations for the Cartoon Characters. This has been a very interesting journey and a fun process. I have upgraded the Camera Rig to have some lights for the face ~ Check out how I made it here: (http://www.galiwango.com/2012/11/05/custom-head-mounted-camera-rig-for-facial-performance-capture/ ),
Nankya Lighting UPDATE: Nankya is proud of her Bitutwas, (Bantu Knots).
Nankya Lighting UPDATE: A render of Nankya chatting with Jjaja in their home.
Animation UPDATE: Here is the First Video Render of Nankya’s Introduction
February Update: Sub-surface Scatering Final Texture and Lights for Nankya, Nkoza’s little Sister.
February Update: Early Rendering, and Texturing tests for Nankya, Nkoza’s little Sister. Body textures and a dress
February Update: Some more character sketches for a future episode ~ Scifi Related.
3D Character line up, concepts in Zbrush ~ background characters for the TV series, this is one of the old guys from the village, he lives by a road that Nkoza and Nankya often use on their way to the bus stop. I don’t have a name for him yet, so you are welcome to chime in.
This was the first sketch I drew as a brain storming piece to get some of the thoughts swirling around in my head onto paper. My hope is that this series provides both entertainment and education to kids in Africa and around the world.
Here are some concept drawings depicting the setting of the TV series.
And this was the day we signed the Contract at WBS TV with Managing Director Lydia Ndagire. I am working on the website for the TV series, Scripts and storyboards. My goal is to show the process from the beginning, with the hope of inspiring my fellow Ugandans so they too can bring their stories to life. So I hope we all can enjoy this ride together 🙂 Thanks to WBS TV for this opportunity. Together we can make a difference 🙂
Say hello to the Team behind the upcoming Children’s TV series, “A Seed for Nkoza and Nankya” ~ in the Middle is Reeta Jethwa, the Producer of Kids Corner 2 and chidlren’s programming on WBS TV, and to the left of her is Sophia Matovu, the Deputy Head of Production at WBS TV. This is the team I will be working closely with in bringing Nkoza and Nankya to life. Truly Excited!!!