Category Archives: Blog

Cinematic Rendering Tip ~ 3DS Max

Here is a tip on saving time when rendering 3D scenes for animation. What I usually do is to render my scene with as few lights as possible, limiting to 1 key light and one fill light, this cuts back on the amount of raytracing the 3D program has to do.

I also render in passes with Alpha Channel, Z-Depth, Reflection, and Motion Vectors as separate files, I then head to After Effects and do the post production there. Here is an example of such an application, and how lighting plays a huge role in setting the mood for a 3D scene. Enjoy.

This particular cinematic was created for a company based in San Francisco, CA. They needed a tense looking scene for a video game cinematic.



Journey to Denver, Ugandan Convention

Sunday, September the 4th: This was by far the best day because I got to listen to Isaiah Katumwa’s saxophone artistry. He is such a talented musician, I am so glad he is a Ugandan. It was great to meet other artists like Bobi Wine, Keko, GNL Zamba, Zani, Vanessa.

Saturday, September the 3rd:This is a traditional dance highlight from the 2011, Ugandan Denver Convention Entertainment on

The participation of the attendees made this traditional Dance memorable. Hats off to the Lady who was Dubbed the Muzungu by the MC, she stole the show with her energetic rendition of the Baganda Traditional Dance known as Amazina Amaganda.

Thanks to all who joined in the dance and made it so memorable!!
Visit The Ugandan Diaspora at

Friday, September 2nd: I have spent the day at the Business forum listening to presenters talk about opportunities available to us Ugandans living in the Diaspora, on how we can invest back home. It has been an eye opening session. The speaker of Parliament was here, and so was the Minister for foreign affairs. Tulow Oil has featured prominently and is on a head hunting effort to hire more Ugandans to work in the Oil and Gas sector.

Thursday, September 1st: I finally made it to Denver albeit via a bumpy flight. The city is beautiful and its even prettier at night. Lights stretch for miles in all directions. Denver is really flat. I could see the mountains from my room. The view is absolutely beautiful. Thursday was Mainly reserved for early arrivals and registrations. I ran into a number of old schoolmates from my days at Budo. It was great to catch up and talk about boarding school.

Wednesday, August 31st: I will be heading to the Airport Shortly. I will be updating this Blog and sharing my experience at the 23rd Ugandan North American Convention, taking place in Denver from Friday September 1st to Sunday September 4th.

I will be presenting a paper on a career as a Digital Artist and Animator, taking place in ROOM 12, Sunday, September 4th, from 2:00 to 5:00pm


Tamron 18-270 Lens Review, Great Addition

This is one lens that I highly recommend to anyone who needs a hi-breed option that shoots both wide angle and close photos. I was pleasantly surprised when I purchased the Tamron 18-270 super zoom lens. I needed something to get me close to the action at events and when out shooting landscapes, this lens has proven to be a great addition to my collection.

The day I was completely sold was when I mounted it on my 7D DSLR, one evening in North Carolina, and took a photo of the moon while lying on my back on a deck at a friend’s house in Spring lake. I took about 10 photos and went home after visiting with with my friend’s family. Back at my studio, I started going through the RAW photos I had taken, and out popped this incredible shot of the moon, that to this day I still marvel how a consumer lens could have captured.

Take a look and tell me if you think this wouldn’t make you smile had you been the one to take it with your Tamron 18-270 lens. I am still smiling to this day.

Galiwango Film Update ~ Hair & Mocap

Here is an update from the “Galiwango, Obulamu Bw’ekisodde” Film Production diary. I finally achieved a hair solution that looks nice on the mountain gorilla characters. Here is a scene of the jungle setting with one of the mountain gorilla characters, using Motion Capture Data from the session I did at the Mixamo Studios in San Francisco.

Still Render in 3DS Max before compositing in the Jungle Environment which was created using Vue xStream.

And here is a compressed Video of the animation after compositing in After Effects.

Get the Flash Player to see this player.


Another Render test using Global Illumination and Ambient Occlusion

Ambient Occlusion in 3DS Max, Mix Map

This is a test I rendered in 3DS Max using FinalRender (I also did a test with Mental Ray) with no lights in the scene, using an Ambient Occlusion Map as a mix map for the textures of this race car from Daz3d. I also applied the Occlusion map to the ground plane. Average render times were about 10 to 15 seconds. This is a life saver when rendering preview animations and architectural simulations. The advantage is that you get renders that look like they are ray traced and with details that pop.

Rendering the same scene using lights and final gather, and then applying an occlusion map as an override, and then heading to your compositing program to put everything together, can result  in multiple steps and relatively long renders. But with this approach, I have been able to create nice demos that look nice without sacrificing on the lighting quality.

Here are some more renders.

Flip through Galiwango Comic Book 1#

Dear friends, here is a sample of the Galiwango Comic book for you to preview before purchasing. Kindly support this wildlife conservation effort by purchasing a copy of the “Kasobeza” Comic book. For every copy ordered, I donate $5 dollars to the Dr. Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, which sponsors food rations and foot patrols by the Park Rangers so they can disable traps and protect the mountain gorillas and other endangered wildlife in the Virunga Valley and Bwindi from Poachers and rebel remnants. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Flip through the first 7 of the 20 pages of the Galiwango “Kasobeza” Comic Book. Click here for more details and to Order Online: $20 Including Shipping and Handling.

3D Render and Animation Tests

Here is a recent animation I did in 3DS Max, rendered using Final Render. I am still working on the composition. The scene will eventually have some Characters and and a military convoy ~ the story line is that of a recovery mission in an abandoned city, with the mysterious disappearance of the occupants. Is it An epidemic or genocide?

A rescue team arrives aboard a black hawk

glaring upwards towards the grey sky is a gaping hole with jagged edges …

something terrible must have happened here, but what could have caused such destruction? and where did all the occupants disappear to? ….