African Film Festival

MARCH 28th: Galiwango Film Production Diary: CinemAfrica, African Film Festival Report ~ The Galiwango film Preview was successfully screened on March 26th and at the Film Breakfast on March 27th. Check out video of the Galiwango version shown in Sweden Below. I had a great experience at the African Film festival, and will always be grateful for the opportunity that the CinemaFrica team extended to me to present Galiwango and to speak at the African Animation Forum.

I am also grateful to the Uganda Wildlife Authority who have supported me this far, and who sponsored my mountain gorilla tracking experience on January 17th, 2010 – without which I wouldn’t have the valuable research that I conducted for the Galiwango Film. Thanks to Lillian and the entire UWA team, and to the rangers I interacted with while tracking Nshongi: Link to My Mountain Gorilla Tracking Trip:

Here are some screenshots from the Galiwango film that was screened at the CinemAfrica, African Film Festival, in Stockholm, Sweden – March 24th to the 27th

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A special thank you to Pete Morrison of Bohemia Interactive for his support, and for continuing to believe in the value of the Galiwango film, and to the Team at Mixamo, who have been awesome as partners in the effort to raise awareness to the plight of the mountain gorillas, and the conservation of Endangered wildlife. Thanks also to Zign Creations ( for the support through their wonderful Zign Track Pro facial motion capture software.

Thank you to the Kellermann Foundation, who sponsored the Second Edition of the Galiwango “Kasobeza” Comic book – they are doing an awesome job of drumming up support for the Batwa pygmies, my fellow Ugandans who got displaced from a habitat they shared with the Mountain Gorillas. I kindly request you all to join me in supporting their cause.

MARCH 26th: Galiwango Film Production Diary – Galiwango to be Screened today, March 26th, at 6:00pm – I am currently in Stockholm Sweden, getting ready for the 2nd screening of the Galiwango at the Bio Rio Cinema. The film will be screened again tomorrow March 27th. I leave for the US on Sunday. It has been and continues to be a great experience. I am sharing about the plight of the mountain gorillas and highlighting the hard work done by the Game Rangers as they daily put their lives on the line to protect the mountain gorillas.

I am also talking about the hardships that the Batwa pygmies are facing. They need our support. They were displaced from their habitat in the Bwindi impenetrable forest and live on the fringes of the forest. It’s a hard life for a group of people who were so in tune with their natural habitat and now are forced to live without that heritage and struggling to find a place in modern society.

Do please Contact the Kellermann Foundation, and consider donating to help their cause. Visit the Kellermann Foundation’s page here or give them a call in the US at: 214-519-9279 – a donation of any amount will be greatly appreciated.

You can also purchase a copy of the Galiwango “Kasobeza” Comic Book – the Second edition which was sponsored by the Kellermann Foundation, as their way of showing support to the wildlife conservation effort and to raise awareness to the plight of the Batwa. A donation will be made by me from the purchase of each second edition comic book of Galiwango and Kasobeza. Thanks again for your support.

Solomon W. Jagwe | |

13 thoughts on “African Film Festival”

  1. Funny thing but we might not know how many hours you spend on this each day…but please know thi….s that your dedication and determination…and voice… is heard and so well needed….you inspire many of us…. thanks Solo for the awareness.. and determination…. blessings.

  2. Strange, that even living in Uganda all my life, I never knew of the existence of this Ethnic group, the Batwa…. Thanks for bringing it to the attention of many including ma self.


  3. Hi Solomon, your conservation effort is truly unique, because as well as protecting Gorillas, it also highlights the plight of the Batwa people who share(d) the forest habitat.
    If only more wildlife & environmental conservation programs took this approach, we’d be seeing higher success levels.
    Keep up the good work.

  4. Absolutely OVERWHELMED by this!! I wonder to myself, do you ever pinch yourself? Did you sometimes pinch yourself while in Stockholm to wake up back into reality.? that you are growing bigger than yourself?!!

    You are an amazing person, in your personality, your work and your commitment. Thank you for making us so proud! and for inspiring and challenging us!! We will ride with you, cry joyful, laugh, dance and walk with you on this beautiful road. “GAKYALI MABAGA” indeed!!

    1. Hi Doreen, I appreciate the kind words OG, yes, I too am amazed at how this has all turned out, a dream born in a dusty Ugandan office, in a back room in Mutundwe – with spider webs, old TVs, and a static sound solo radio – listening to BBC plays and stories – and at the knee of an old grandmother, listening to stories of Waguludene, Wakayima and wango.

      I think of all the challenges both past, present and future – and I am humbled at the responsibility and the breadth of the possibilities. I do pinch myself sometimes, LOL!! seriously – it seems so unreal and yet so Right!! I will continue to carry the Ugandan Banner wherever I go, and never forget the true unsung heroes in this effort to conserver endangered wildlife, the Game Rangers – and the victims – The Batwa – our fellow Ugandans. Gakyali Mabaga Indeed!!

  5. Hey Solomon, thank you for making the wise decision to trod on the kind of road not so many would dare take.You made the wise choice “of not asking of others, what you are unwilling to do yourself.” Thank you for taking the first bold step by being exemplary in making a difference.As a trained environmentalist and conservation advocate myself, it goes without saying that to us, you are our unsung hero.Thank you for making the Batwa Pygmies so proud and for rendering them another ray of hope that they too can shine on!

    1. Hi Dorothy, thank you OG 🙂 chance meetings can be one of the best. I recall that question from a listener when I was presenting on the FM station in Uganda, and then you showing up with that package at the Animation Expo 🙂 lol, amazing how God works out all things.

      I was and continue to honored to be a voice for the Batwa, and joining the Kellermann Foundation team in raising awareness to the their plight. Their life and the mountain gorillas will forever be linked. I will proudly carry the Banner, because to me they not another group with a statistical name – they are fellow Ugandans, and humans who deserve every right accorded to all Ugandans. Together we can make a difference. Thanks again for bridging that connection – you believed and I noticed and appreciated your passion. Gakyali Mabaga!

  6. I am grateful to Solomon Jagwe for all the hours, days, and months he has dedicated to helping the mountain gorillas and the Batwa people.

    1. Hi Debbie, thanks for stopping by, and thanks so much for the kind words. I will continue to drum up support for the men and women who work so hard to protect the mountain gorillas, and the Batwa. Do please share the link with your friends and family. Together we can make a difference.

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