N-aEEXUS Sci-Fi Short Film I Directed and Animated

Wooohooo!!! I am officially a Sci-fi Film Director!! lol!! “N-aEEXUS”, the Short Film I Wrote, Directed and Animated as a one man team in partnership with Reallusion, using iClone and Character Creator 3, is finally online and I can share with you the amazing journey!! My wife acted in it as the female Major in the interrogation chamber!! I played the part of the Commander, and did the Voice acting for the Alien Lord and Commander as well. This was so much fun!! Check out the Feature tutorial on CGSociety at this link: https://cgsociety.org/news/article/4330/creating-a-3d-sci-fi-short-in-30-days ~ Dare to dream big, friends!!

I am so grateful to my wife for joining me on this adventure and playing a key acting role in the film.

The video below shows a side by side demo of me acting and the Alien Lord 3D Character with Facial Mocap from an iPhone X mounted on my home made head mounted Camera Rig, built on my wife’s bike helmet, captured in iClone 7 using Motion LIVE, LIVE Face and the Perception Neuron 2.0 motion capture suit for the full body mocap. This has so much promise as a combo solution for Indie film makers and storytellers.

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