Short 3D Character Animation

Here is the Video of the Short 3D Character animation featuring a Family learning How to get Along in a Small Fictional Village called Blameville. I used Motionbuilder for the Character Rigging and animation, and 3DS Max and Mental Ray for the Rendering. Postproduction was done in Adobe After Effects.

Credits: Voice Acting by Ruth Crews, Matt Templeton and Jordan Tate, Sound Track by Jordan Tate, Script by Chris and Michael Fletcher. Manna Production Team

Below are some more renders of the making of the short film. Check out the Gallery at the bottom for some screen grabs of the scenes inside of 3D Studio Max.

The Little Boy Character, Role Playing as the Dad

This is the little Girl Character Role playing as the Mom

The Baby Character

The 3D Environment, serving as the backdrop to the entire animation.

Here are some more Renders and Screen Shots of the Behind the Scenes and the 3D Environment.

[nggallery id=17]


18 thoughts on “Short 3D Character Animation”

  1. Great work. Are these 3d universe characters already rigged in daz3d or do you have to rig in motionbuilder.
    Could you share the step process and flow to reproduce this result from 3d universe character to finish in after effects. I do film editing but new to animation. I would greatly appreciate the help. Enjoying your work and talent . Thanks Lee

    1. Hi Lee, thanks for the compliments. I do my rigging inside of Motionbuilder, and then take the characters to 3DS Max for environment setup and rendering. The backgrounds in this particular animation were rendered with Nitrous in 3DS Max, the DOF was much faster, taking about 15 seconds. I rendered the characters separately using Render Selected in the Mental Ray render panel.

  2. Oh WOW! This was you?!

    Great work, Solomon. Totally inspired right now!

    I found it on YouTube some day and totally loved it. We’re trying to move deeper into characters and this was a great inspiration, especially since I really like this style!

    Keep it up man!

  3. LOL!
    Did it have to be the Mother In-Law topic? I guess I have watched the olimpics a few times πŸ™‚ Luckily not with my MIL

  4. Nice work man! My only critique is the audio. It just sounded off, like it didn’t go with the style of animation and there was no outside ambient noise. I was expecting something different with the voices.

      1. I would have to agree. The characters looked good, but needed a different voice and there definitely needed to be some kind of background noise (street cars, birds, construction, wind blowing, something… But other than that it was a nice effort my friend.

        1. Thanks Roy, I appreciate your input, I always strive to get better. So what kind or type of voice would you have wanted to hear? I would like to revisit the animation and make it better. Much appreciation.

  5. Hi.. i love your animations..would you want to share production process tips or tutorial ? I would love to know..-:)

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